Monday, 13 January 2014

Lucky 2014 - Discovering the Frame Wall

For the past two years I have bought a Lucky 2013-14 Hoop Embroidery from a shop on Etsy called HoopsyDaisies.  This shop is based out of Athens, Greece and has wonderful paper garlands and embroidery hoop art.
My Lucky 2013 Hoop brought a lot of change in our home for my Partner and myself; change of jobs, rediscovery of our passions, new friends, and a lot of personal growth.  If the Lucky 2014 is anything similar to its predecessor, this should be another great year. 
Currently my Lucky 2013-14 hoops are in a shadow box hung on my world famous frame wall (well famous with our friends). 
Lucky 2013, Lucky 2014 Embroidery Hoops from HoopsyDasies

A section of my frame wall.
Lucky 2014 Hoop - Photo by HoopsyDasies

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Eric for this amazing feature!!
    I hope 2014 will be as lucky as 2013 was!
    I promise to send you next years lucky hoop as a gift:)
